The first Homoeopathic Medical College in Kerala and first Govt. Homoeopathic Medical Degree College in Asia. This institution is one of the best Homoeopathic institutions in India. The college is affiliates to Kerala University of Health Sciences since 2010. It was affiliated to Calicut University till 2010. The college has prominent Faculty and established Alumni.
Govt. of Kerala decided to start homoeopathic medical colleges in the state for imparting homoeopathic medical education so as to produce qualified graduates and post graduates, and to extend the benefit for a cost effective system of treatment in all its spheres to the mass. Accordingly the first institution was started at Kozhikode in 1975 vide GO. Ms. No – 237/75/HD dated 8-10-1975 under the directorate of Homoeopathy. Dr. K.S. Prakasam was appointed as the first principal. This college was inaugurated on 24-1-1976 and started functioning at the Govt. Homoe hospital, Vellayil. The admission to the first batch was conducted on 12th and 13thDecember 1975. The classes for the first batch were started on 1976.

This college was bifurcated from the department of Homoeopathy vide G.O No. 286/80/HD dated 31-10-1980 and made a separate department.
The college was shifted to the present location at Karaparamba during November 1976. Initially the preclinical classes were engaged at Medical College, Calicut. Later two blocks of Govt. District Hospital (Beach Hospital) was allotted for providing the facility to para-clinical and clinical departments. The Govt. Homoeo Hospital was shifted to the Beach Hospital buildings on 29-6-1979. The building of Govt. Homoeo Hospital at Vellayil was converted to Men’s Hostel.

The foundation stone for the first block of the present building at Karaparamba was laid on 1982. The Outpatient section started functioning at Karaparamba during 1984. The para-clinical and clinical departments were shifted to present site during 1987.
Initially 30 students were admitted to BHMS course which was later increased to 50. The BHMS (direct) degree course is extending over a period of 5 ½ years including 1 year internship.

This college has run the graded BHMS course of 2 ½ years duration for diploma holders in homoeopathy.
MD (hom) in the subjects of Materia medica and Homoeopathic philosophy were started in 1991 and MD (hom) degree course in Repertory was introduced in 1996. From the year 2005 MD (hom) degree courses were started in two more subjects (Homoeopathic pharmacy and Practice of Medicine). The duration of Md (Hom) degree course is 3 years including 1 year house job. The student intake is 6 in each subject.

Admissions to all these courses are done through entrance examinations conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance examinations, Govt. of Kerala. Nurse – cum- pharmacy course started in 1989 and three more batches were selected in 1992, 2005 and 2006. The duration of the NCP course is 1 year. Now NCP has been replaced by CCP (Certificate course in Pharmacy).