Community Medicine
The Department of Community Medicine is involved in teaching of IIIRD & FINAL BHMS students as well as Research Methodology and Bio-statistics for students. The Department has one museum (for practical demonstration), where different Instruments, Models and Charts related to different subject matters (e.g. family planning, nutrition, immunization, medical entomology, public health, etc.) is preserved for practical classes. All the classes, both theory and practical, are guided by the NCH regulations and in accordance with the curriculum prescribed by the Kerala University of Health Sciences.
The department of community medicine has been participating in various health activities in and around Calicut district of Kerala State. Apart from teaching, the department is also involved in training, clinical and research activities. Special Medical camps and Awareness classes are made in epidemic & Disaster situations for the vulnerable communities.
The students visit different places of public health importance as part of their field visits in accordance with the prescribed KUHS curriculum. The final year students were taken to various National Institutes e.g National Institute of Nutrition, National Institute of Communicable Disease etc where the students were exposed to the recent developments in the field of research activities, fundamental and clinical and animal experimentations and recent development in the field of Tuberculosis, HIV and AIDS.
We conduct seminars, group discussions, demonstrations, practical work, field visits, Community oriented awareness classes. Community Medicine department initiate in conducting family health survey and Nutritional surveys. Interns were sent to peripheral posting and there by they get training about management of Communicable and also Non- communicable disease management at primary level. Training is given to Interns about disease preventions & Control, Collection of data on infectious diseases, assignment work on topics of public health importance. Conducting Awareness class in accordance with various Health days. Medical camps are conduct in association with social organisations.
- Computer and accessories for entering patients' data and details of prophylactic medicine distributed and its feedback
- A well-equipped updated Department Library
- A well-advanced Museum for practical spotting
- Lecture hall for conducting Tutorials, Discussions, and Seminars
- OPD facility
- Facilities for distribution of preventive Medicine
Health education classes are conducted in various schools & colleges.