Internship Rules & Regulations

Internship - Rules and Regulations
  • Eligibility & Application:
  • The student shall join the Compulsory Rotatory Residential Internship (CRRI)Programme at Collegiate Hospital after passing the Final Professional Examination. The student shall get temporary registration in the Medical Council which is a pre-requesit before starting the internship and a provisional certificate shall be issued from the university for the above purpose.
  • The students should apply for the Internship on or before the date as per the Notification for starting Internship programme at the College along with following documents.
      • Application (avail at college website)
      • Final Year marklist (Copy applicable, only if the Marklist is not received from the University)
      • First provisional Registration certificate (issued from Medical Council)
      • First Provisional Degree Certificate (issued from KUHS)
  • Details of Internship Training
    • Each candidate shall be required to undergo compulsory rotating internship of one year, after passing the inal BHMS Examinations, to the satisfaction of the Principal of the Homoeopathic College. Thereafter only, the candidate shall be eligible for the award of Degree of Bachelor of Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery (B.H.M.S.) by the University. All parts of the internship training shall be undertaken at the hospital attached to the College. Training outside college will be granted only with prior permission of the University
    • The intern students shall not prescribe the treatment including medicines, and, each of them shall work under the direct supervision of Head of Department concerned. No intern student shall issue any medico-legal document under his/her signatures.
    • The internship training shall be regulated by the Principal in consultation with concerned Heads of Departments and the Hospital Superintendent/RMO.
    • Each intern student shall be asked to maintain a record of work (Log Book) which is to be constantly monitored by the Head of concerned Department under whom the intern is posted.
